10 things to consider before moving to Thailand

Moving to Thailand is a dream for many people in all ages. Especially for people who are in their 50s. The dream of living a secluded life in Thailand where it is warm all year round and where the cost of living is low so that the money lasts longer in everyday life.

Lets take a look at 10 important things that you have to consider before you take the big step and move to Thailand.

The dream of Thailand

Moving to ThailandDo you dream of moving to Thailand, and are you ready to move to Thailand? In this article i will try to help you with the 10 most important things you have to consider before you move to Thailand.

There are a lot of things to consider before making the decision to move to Thailand.

10 important points to consider before moving to Thailand. If you don’t research and prepare these things, and especially point 10, then the dream can quickly turn into a nightmare.

1. Cost of living in Thailand

There are many different ways of living in Thailand. Someone can live on 35,000 baht per person a month, and others for 100,000 baht, depending entirely on your standard of living if you are moving to Thailand.

People are so smart about housing prices etc. They think they know everything about that subject. Most of the time they don’t. It also depends on the area/city/tourist areas. Thailand has living costs for all budgets.

Take as a starting point your budget/finances. Do you have ongoing income, or do you have to live on savings?

Lifestyle in Thailand

What lifestyle do you want in Thailand? Do you have enough in a small room in a good location, or do you require more space due to partner/children, etc?

Some places are more expensive than others, such as Phuket and Koh Samui versus living in a village. Jomtien, Pattaya, Bangkok, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, and other popular places have all kinds of prices for all budgets.

The cost of living in Thailand is probably about 50% of Europe or the US.

2. The climate and weather in Thailand

It is HOT in Thailand, and if you are not good at high temperatures, Thailand is probably not for you.

There is a big difference between being on holiday in the high temperature and living in it all year round.

Moving to Thailand – There is a big difference between living close to the beach and living in a big city.

February to May is the hottest time of the year in Thailand. But you can choose to travel to cooler places during that period.

The coolest time of the year is November, December and January. The air is cool and cleanest during these months.

Air pollution can be a big problem in Bangkok and Chiang Mai during the hot season. Many fields are burned here in Thailand. Then if you have challenges with your lungs, you must stay away during that period and in these cities.

3. Insurances/The health system in Thailand

Moving to ThailandHow are the hospitals and doctors/dentists in Thailand? These are some of the best in the world.

Public hospitals and private hospitals have different prices. Depending on your insurance, both can be a good experience, and you don’t have to worry too much about that.

Moving to Thailand – You must have health insurance when you live in Thailand. You must have good health insurance you can trust and who have good coverage in Thailand.

When I got my stroke when I used to live in Thailand I had what used to be very bad insurance. They did not cover anything when I got sick in Thailand. I ended up paying 2 million baht for my surgery and 3,5 weeks in Bangkok Pattaya Hospital in Pattaya.

4. Visa rules – the different types. Which visa is right for you?

Some thought that the Thai visa was easy, others thought that it could well be easier. Check out the Thai embassy visa rules here.

Some visas depend on your age, others are about what you want to do in Thailand.

Retirement visa, Education visa, Business visa, Volunteer visa, Digital nomad visa, ELITE visa (very expensive), Long term visa For 10 years. Marriage visa etc.

Renewing the visa is also a process that can take a while. Find a good visa agent. It is important to keep track of your visa and not overstay. It’s part of living in Thailand as a foreigner.

5. The education system in Thailand

This is mostly for those of you who have children. Should you move while you have children, or should you wait until your children are grown?

Good schools are expensive in Thailand. Someone says $100,000 per year for international schools. Others are lower priced, but you have to consider this before moving to Thailand if you have children.

6. Political positions

Thailand has had military coups before while I lived in Thailand. The structure of the political system in Thailand can be very different from the country you yourself come from. This may be a point that may be lost on most people who are used to political systems in the Western world.

The system is very different from that in Europe or in the US. If there are protests, stay away from the areas under e.g. election of a new government, etc.

7. Lose face in Thailand

An important cultural phenomenon that not many foreigners think about. Thais do not like negative emotions, especially when it is expressed towards themselves in public.

Don’t show your frustrations in public in Thailand.

Find out how things are in Thailand. If you can’t, go home.

You are a guest in Thailand, therefore you must behave like a guest.

8. Safety in Thailand

Is Thailand a safe place to live? YES, in my opinion, it is safe to live in Thailand.

Moving to Thailand. Will I be mugged in Thailand? I feel very safe when I am in Thailand as well as when I live in Thailand.

But there is crime in all countries, more or less.

9. Thai culture and Thai language

Do you need to be able to speak Thai if you want to live in Thailand?

Yes and no.

If you are going to live in the big cities or tourist areas, then no. (Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai)

Learn the most basic Thai expressions, such as THANK YOU, GOOD DAY, FOOD NAMES, SPICY FOOD AND NOT SPICY FOOD, NUMBERS, etc.

Thais have great respect for if you can speak a little Thai language and expressions.

Moving to Thailand as an expat. If you want to live in the countryside in Thailand, then yes.

10. Create networks in Thailand

Moving to ThailandMoving to Thailand can be a challenge. Are you a social person? Are you an extrovert?

It is important that you have a network in Thailand where you live, otherwise, you can quickly feel lonely.

There are other places to socialize than the bars in Thailand.

Moving to Thailand is a big decision. Local Facebook groups, with hiking, games (not gambling), hobbies of all kinds, and photo and video groups can make a big difference for you.

Moving to Thailand as a Digital nomad, with the same interests as you, who sit in cafes and have fun.

Moving to Thailand. Most are in the same boat and want to meet like-minded people. (Affiliate marketing, cryptocurrency, etc.

When I lived in Thailand there were often people who asked if we should meet through Facebook groups.
Back then I didn’t have a YouTube channel.

There are plenty who are in the same boat as you are, and they would rather like to socialize with others who are in the same situation as you are or share the same interests as you.

Moving to Thailand can offer you a lot of things to do such as Golf, scuba diving, hiking/exercise, gyms, tennis, volunteering, and many other things…